Adversary is the situation not the person
Goals of negotiation
- Show that deal is going in good faith (no deceive or exploit and show deference)
- Genuinely interested in what drives the other side
- Building trust based influence through tactical empathy or deliberately influencing
Points to consider
- Deactivate negative feelings
- Magnify positive emotions
black swans — those seemingly innocuous pieces of information that, once revealed, can change the entire negotiation process.
Achieving your goal in negotiation requires positive, collaborative mindset.
Techniques of negotiations
Tones of Voice
- Assertive — declarative , punch in the nose type voice
- Playful/Accommodating — 80%
- Late night FM DJ — 20% for anxious situations
- Inquisitive — genuine curiosity and interest use this
- Declarative — stating the fact
- Inquisitive inflation , repeat words
- It seems like, looks like, feels like
- Mislabeling also works
Dynamic silence
Calibrated questions
- Make other side see things from your perspective
- How and What questions
- How am I supposed to do that? , What’s going to happen if I do that?
- Don’t use why questions convert into how and what questions
Strategies of Negotiation
Accusations audit
- Make list of all the negative assumptions other side have about you.
- Goal is to let other side speak Hold, on you are being hard on your self
- Try in low stake situations first
- Use No questions instead of yes
- Rephrase yes question to a no question.
Defeating Fear of loss
- Deactivate fear of loss, or how you are being unfair
- Keep negotiation grounded, collaborative and positive.
Bargaining Strategies
- Target price you want to buy at 65 % of target price — 20 % — 10% — 5%
- Go in this direction of increment final offer should be odd number
Decoding body language
- Pinocchio effect — dishonest use more words to communicate their point
- 7–38–55 Rule — effect ratio — 7 % words, 38 % tone, 55% body language
- It seems like Ive missed something here if you sense people are being deceitful
- Get them to drop their guard, avoid all traces of accusations.
Find the black swan