Free your mind
Becoming Limitless
- Don’t bound yourself with limits
- You are closer then you think
- Ask the right question
- Learn how to learn
Why this matters now
- Digital deluge : Too much information
- Digital distraction
- Digital dementia : Our smart devices are making us stupid — too much reliance doesn’t let our brain muscle to develop
- Digital deduction: Liberating thoughts and opinion are from net
Freeing your brain
- Understanding Neuroplasticity : Brain works as muscle so develop it with practice
How to read this and remember any book
- We remember start and end part better then middle part
- Use Pomodoro technique : 25 minute study + 5 minute break To develop more retention

what : Break limit in your mindset

Reframing Limiting Belief
- Name your limiting belief
- Get to the facts
- Create a new belief
7 lies of learning
- Intelligence is fixed
- We only use 10% of our brains
- Mistakes are failures
- Knowledge is power
- The criticism of other people matters
- Genius is born
Why : Break limit in your motivation

- Passion : Joy of action
- Who do you think you are
- A hierarchy of values
- Finding your reasons
- What do you have to loose
- Good brain diet
- Brain nutrients
- Exercise
- Killing Ants : Automatic Negative thoughts
- Clean Environment
- Positive peer group
- Brain protection
- Keep learning
- Stress management
- Sleep
Small simple steps
- Be kind to your self
- Take baby steps
- Build habits

How — Limit in your methods
- Practicing concentration
- Calming your busy mind
- Breathe
- Do something that has been causing you stress
- Schedule time for distractions

Speed reading
- Reading makes your brain limitless
- Challenges
- Regression : Reading same line again
- Outdated skills
- Subvocalisation : Inner voice that repeats what is read
- Visual Pacer: Give your reading the finger
- Read faster
- Reading is like exercise : Try fast reading for finite amount
- Expand peripheral vision : More words in one glance
- Counting : counting while reading to stop subvocalisation