Drama, story, liveliness, details, textures, contrast
Working with subjects
- If you don’t love everybody then you can’t sell anybody.
- Get some form of story and feeling alive
- Tell them what you want out of them, ask a joke, laugh with them, what you love story to the lease
- 2 way participant or observer
- Make camera part of the story 1st person fist bumping, shaking hand to get energy of moment
- They get my eyes when I click picture
- Tell them to smile and why
- In observer be humble, invisible, sit on floor, go low that pulls away from the action process of something
- Bring positivity if you are taking unknowns photograph Go with big smile and be genuine
- Think about angle, diffusion and how far away from subject, type of light
- Light to the subject, to the narrative
- Key light — Dominant light
- Place subject according to light angle and sides to create narrative
- Diffused — cloud between sun and that light
- Front light — 45 degree that creates great portrait — eyes pop , dual character through shadow
- Side light — to show story of lived more,
- Backlight — not straight back , creates soft light on face and beautiful light coming from back creating story, drama of light, actually in the frame
- Use light to control your pictures
- Angle of the head and body
- Be a detective understand light in your favourite photos, shadow, light angle
- How bright or light subject is in their surrounding
- Can do it in post production too
- Squint your eye to look at it
- Make most of this now
- Find the light
- Whats there
- Work quickly
- Frames within frames : Make eye go to the subject, Highlight subject
- Not about perfection that make picture believable
- Perspective, vanishing point, lead the eye
- Clever, thought through photos
- The rule of thirds — lead things into 3rd of grid, focal points land on thirds
- Center point perspective — Bang eye to center
- Perspective and vanishing points get visual energy in image, feels vibrant and alive
- There are no rules
- Command your focus -where people to look
- Creative focusing, Technical focusing
- Eyes not into focus to show their life is out of focus
- Use aperture to create focus
- Choose the picture that makes you emotional reaction.
- What photo means to you.
- Believe in the moment
- Allow mistakes to happen
- Cropping — Look for pleasing shape, Do it upside down and does it still appeal to you
- Brilliance, Highlights, lowlights
- Everything comes from the story
- Find your story
- Create intrigue, questions
- Create pictures that you want to go back to